VylBot 3.2 Release

08 June 2024
VylBot 3.2.2 has been released, fixing bugs and vulnerabilities. Please update when possible to ensure your security is kept up-to-date.

13 March 2024
VylBot 3.2.1 has been released, fixing bugs and vulnerabilities. Please update when possible to ensure your security is kept up-to-date.

This week has seen the release of VylBot 3.2! This has been a while in development as I’ve been juggling other projects, but am happy to finally have released it!

Release Notes

Below is the changes in this release:

Server Access Button

This is a new command which allows moderators to generate a “Verify” button which will allow users to gain the server access role, as an alternative to the access code functionality already present.

This is generated using the new /rules access subcommand, previous rules functionality has been moved to /rules embeds

The label text can be changed using the rules.access.label config key. The verification role is set in verification.role config key, as used by the access code function.

The verification button as it shows up on discord

KNOWN ISSUE: I am aware that the help text for the configuration doesn’t include rules.access.label, this will be resolved in a future release

Attachments On Moderation Embeds

The embeds used for message actions such as delete and edit have had their attachment field changed. The previous logic would give you a link to the image but this has changed to just show the file names as a list, this is due a discord CDN privacy feature where it disappears from the CDN after the message is deleted after cache is refreshed. Not anything I can do on my end about that so have made the embed a bit cleaner.

As a bonus addition the title of the field includes a sum of attachments

The message deleted embed with the updated attachments field

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed event embeds not containing the user’s avatar in the thumbnail of the embed
  • Fixed the config command not showing the config name properly
  • Fixed the config command not showing the config value when the key doesn’t exist
  • Fixed the nickname update event not firing
  • Fixed typo on the config list describing the wrong config type


VylBot is an open source project, although mostly for my own server it is open for anyone else to use and contribute to, happy for anyone to contribute!

Last updated on 08 June 2024 13:13 UTC