Random Bunny 2.3 Release

Random Bunny 2.3 has been released and is available to install via npm! This update is a smaller update but contains the following:

Release Notes

SortBy Variable Types

For the TypeScript users, the sortBy variable now contains a string type that defines what the string can be, useful to know without checking documentation.

Code completion suggesting the options available

CLI Output To File Option

The CLI now has the ability to output to a file. This can be done with the -o flag.

The CLI being able to output to a file

Author Option

The output now contains the post author.

The author field in the output

Limit API call to reddit

You can now limit the amount of posts the Reddit API will return.

This can be any number between 1 and 100. The default is 100.

You shouldn’t have to supply this but can be useful if needed. Please note that limiting the amount returned to the script might create a higher chance that the script won’t find a valid image post.

Limiting the amount of posts returned to the script via the CLI


Random Bunny is an open source project, although mostly for my own usage it is open for anyone else to use and contribute to, happy for anyone to contribute!